Sunday, November 1, 2015

November is a reminder to ALWAYS be thankful.

     Today is November 1st. The day we begin to put away Halloween decor while attempting to keep our sugar covered mitts out of  the kiddos' candy buckets placed just high enough we can reach them. This is first day many deem "ok" to start looking ahead to the holiday season. If you're like me and you attempt to give Thanksgiving it's rightful time and thought (rather than skipping right to Christmas, although the Friday after Thanksgiving it's game on!), it's your time to really reflect on what you are thankful for.  I love that. I mean we have been told our entire lives to "Just be thankful for what you have."  I think that saying should be so much more than a way for a parent to quickly get a kid to can it.  How many of us actually stop and take a minute to actually do that, be thankful for what we already have. I mean outside of the Thanksgiving season?
     In Chicago I belonged to this really supportive mom's group. As a whole, we were full of life experiences, intense journeys, knowledge, love, compassion, and a true need for one another in our lives.  One of the gals who I really respected always spoke of this book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp.  I mean it came up MANY times. Any one who knows me knows, I am not a reader. It's just not what I enjoy. I would rather, hike, bike, swim, do nature stuff in general. Well after hearing about this book so many times, I thought it was time I give it a whirl. Now this book is not an easy read. I mean sometimes the sadness is so so sad, and sometimes the words are wild.  That being said, it's great. The idea of it amazing.  The author challenges you to keep a journal daily of things you are thankful no matter how big or how small. The more things you are thankful for, the better! It's training your brain and your heart to focus on the positive rather than the negative (which we so easily tend to gravitate towards).  Training you to see blessings in even the darkest or hardest of times. I can't say I have stuck to it.  (I am totally guilty of getting really excited about something and then not sticking to it or becoming increasingly uninterested).  I can tell you, however, that when I practiced the thankful journaling, it made me feel happier!  It really did make a difference. 
     When we moved to San Diego a year ago we were pretty broke. I mean we hadn't even begun to save for a move when we took the plunge.  We felt like we were being moved by God to relocate, like right then and there was the time we NEEDED to do it. We decided to pray and fast over the idea for a week before doing anything to further the process. After that week, we felt very much like God was saying, "Yes. This move is for you. This is what you should do."  Within a week and a half of sending out his first resume, Daniel was being flown out to San Diego for a final interview.  By 3 weeks, Daniel had 5 offers on the table, had accepted one, and had moved to San Diego.  I stayed behind with the kids for a month to tie up loose ends, pack, and work lots of over time.  The plan was once I arrived I would give myself a month before I tried to find a job, and just relax and settle in.  I have a hard time sitting still though, and was hired at a salon only a few days after our arrival.  Starting over as a stylist is HARD! I mean there is like zero money in this industry until you have spent at least a year building a clientele. AT LEAST A YEAR!  I always feel like there is a way I can be doing more, especially when it comes to my family.  One day scouring the Craigslist jobs ads, I found an ad for an experiment for stressed out parents of toddlers.  I want to say it just said they wanted you to journal and be honest. It paid like $40 and hey that's a couple of dinners, right?!  I agreed to do it, and met up with the UCSD student at a Starbucks near the salon to learn more about the experiment and what would be expected of me. It started out with lots of questions about me.  Basically they wanted a feeling of your happiness level, how you feel towards your kids, and to be sure you weren't mentally ill. I answered lots and lots of surveys online.  The questions were like, "Do you feel like your toddler does things just to spite you?", "Do you feel like your child is worse behaved than other children?", "On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you with where your life is?", "Do you think your life would be better without your kid(s)?", and many more along those lines.  Once they decided I was mentally stable enough to continue with the experiment, I was given a 3 ring binder journal.  Inside, I was to daily write things I was thankful for, or that things made me happy.  Then, at the bottom of the page I would have a scale to rate my overall happiness for that day.  Once I had done that for a full month, I again met with the student at Starbucks. She asked a series of questions and jotted down little tidbits from our conversation.  To end the experiment I was asked to again answer the exact same online surveys I began with 30 days before. Why am I telling you all of this you wonder?  The results of the experiment were awesome.  Pretty much every single one of us stressed out parents of toddlers, who actually participated correctly, rated our happiness higher AND answered ALL of the survey questions more positively after journaling our daily thankfuls for just 30 days! How wild!  Just bringing the things we have to be thankful for to mind on a daily basis can actually make us happier!  Training yourself to see the positives!
   Some of you probably saw this on Facebook already.  If not, here it goes.  I know there are all kinds of "Novemeber Thankful challenges", and all are really great. I, however, would like to challenge you to start a daily thankful journal.  You can post it on your Facebook, journal it, or whatever will help you acknowledge it. Rather than thinking through your past for things, keep track of things you are thankful today, right now, in the present, in real time.  I think you will find that even on the hardest day, when you feel like you are in the absolute thick of it, there are still things to be thankful for!  If it helps, then hey! Maybe you could even continue on past November.  Thankfulness isn't limited to just one time of year, and if you are anything like me there definitely days I need to be reminded of all the good stuff! 
     I will be attempting to add my "thankfuls" to this page each day for the month, both for myself and to give examples.  (I mean they really can be the silliest small things.). However, I find for me keeping a small notebook in my purse to jot them down seem most efficient.  
   Alright my friends, Happy November! 😘 


  1. 11/01/2015 Thankfuls
    Fall sunsets over the Pacific
    Baby giggles as they chase their Papa on the sand
    Little stinker sneaking into my bed in the wee hours of the morning because she just loves to snuggle her mama
    Watching Daniel and his love for the ocean as he boogie boards
    Perfect boogie boarding waves
    Quiet off season beaches
    The view from Coronado bridge
    Sandy baby bodies that tell of the fun had today
    Cheesy grins from the girls as I cover them with sand and give them mermaid tales
    Our church
    Unexpected pumpkin pie
    Halloween excitement lasting more than one day
    Cold coffee during daylight's heat
    Warm pumpkin spice tea once the sun has set and the evening's cool breeze comes through the house
    That the fall party hay bales were able to be used by another family for a country birthday party
    The smell of a lit fireplace
    Fall scented candles
    The coziness of our couch that sucks you in and all of it's cozy pillows
    A husband that helps around the house
    A hands on Papa
    Our home
    Pumpkin Spice Sprout's O's
    The happiness in our kids
    A way to keep in contact with friends 2/3 the country away
    Cool breezes
    Mexican food

  2. 11/02/2015 Thankfuls
    Soy lattes
    Being able to volunteer for Mylin's school
    Mylin's proud smile when I am in the classroom
    A friend who truly understands pretty much my exact life
    Teachers who really love their students
    The quickness of Annie's cheese and shells
    A shower after a sweat filled run
    Endurance to run up the last hill
    Bluetooth headphones that keep me from being an entangled and frustrated running want to be
    Comfortable running shoes
    The C25K and MapMyRun apps
    Toddler art
    Curling wands
    Baby kissed

  3. 11/03/2015
    A good fire on a chilly night
    Cozy blankets
    A good Midwestern style rain storm complete with lightening and thunder that echoes in the canyon
    Chili and yummy cornbread
    Snugly babies
    Morning runs, although annoying, force me to get out and get moving
    A beautiful double rainbow
    Making it to the gas station just in time

  4. 11/04/2015
    Homemade Ipsento latte (soy milk, coconut milk, espresso, and cayenne pepper) YUM!
    Kiddos early bed time (very thankful for this one today!)
    Instant rebate for a full set of minivan tires
    Security doors when creeps come to the door asking if the doctor lives behind your house
    The way the cup feels when it's full of hot tea

  5. 11/05/2015
    Restaurants when the kiddos can't deal with the tire place waiting room anymore
    New tires
    Ipsento lattes again :)
    The warmth of the dryer on a chilly day
    Running into the kiddos friends at a random park
    The happiness of kiddos who have found an abundance of pine cones
    Clean smelling kiddos after a bath and good hair shampooing
    Crocheted with love cozy blankets on the cozy couch
    Meeting with a client and having good conversation
    The back door happening to be open when we locked ourselves outside today
    A washable area rug for a full glass of spilled milk

  6. 11/06/2015
    Pretty well behaved kiddos
    The feeling that my kiddos felt cuter than they had in days today
    Pretty hair and good conversation with a friend/client
    A scheduled mama coffee date/meetup for next week
    A night walk requested by the kiddos
    Tons of fun playing hide and seek in the dark
    Lots of mama snuggles from all 3
    When asked what was the best part of the night Lake said "the night walk, and this is the best part" as she held my arm and laid her face in my palm. Heart melted.
    Mylin's excitement as I run to her at school pickup
    The twinies pride when they show me all the cool artwork they created at preschool
    The girls' giving hearts as they asked me to bring coffee for their teachers today
    The excitement of a conversation of someone from the Midwest who grew up in he middle of nowhere too!
    Twinies perfectly behaved in the beauty supply store
    A no tears Target trip
    I remembered bread finally
    Delicious vitamin C packed mango-orange Naked juice! Get outta her cold!
    Ricola throat drops

  7. 11/07/2015
    A great camera
    Good babysitter
    Date night
    Mewithoutyou concert
    Quiet time in the car
    Beautiful Lake Murray and Cowle's Mountain
    Nice weather
    Cozy bed
    The visit of a friend
    A husband who helps take care of the house when I don't feel well
    Relationship team work
    My amazing Huzbee

  8. 11/08/2015
    A hike with friends
    Friends who are like family
    Cough syrup
    A movie that intrigues the kiddos
    A nap!!
    A couple of good photos from our weekend photo shoot
    Tools to take and edit decent family photos ourselves
    Holiday sales!
    The beautiful Pacific Ocean
    2 out of 3 well behaved hikers
    A warm shower

  9. 11/09/2015
    The option to take public transportation
    How much fun the girls had taking the trolley
    Hot drinking chocolate on a drizzly chilly day
    Da Bearrrrrsssss
    The feeling I got and how I was flooded with great memories as the Bears took the field
    How much fun the game was!!
    That My got to meet the cheerleaders
    We got to be out as a family
    Getting to volunteer in My's classroom
    The twins excitement about the game
    How much fun Eis was having cheering with me
    Insurance to see the doctor
    Medicine to fight this upper respiratory infection
    A cozy bed to fall asleep in
    A wonderful night
    A Bears WIN
